Aśka Borof. Mundane Mystery

27 April – 18 August 2024

Curator of the exhibition: Olga Budzan

The works of Aśka Borof are made using traditional techniques such as embroidery, painting on glass and cutout. The artist addresses the subject of human existence from birth to death, and the related superstitions and beliefs, as well as dreams about the world where religion is interlaced with magic.

In her works, the artist also returns to the original sense of art, i.e. mediation. Through her art and the created votive objects, Borof asks for health for herself and for her nearest and dearest. She looks at the beauty of the Catholic faith without any preconceptions, yet it is most difficult to see the beauty of something so familiar and ordinary. Aśka Borof, just like an ethnographer, documents also the vanishing charms of the Gdańsk district of Górki Zachodnie, where she lives and works.

Real. Aśka & Borys Borof

Fot. W. Rogowicz

